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Useful Information

Settling In

This can be an emotional time for both children and parents. We have found from experience that a settling in session in advance of your child starting can be really beneficial. It is not unusual for a child to appear unhappy when initially being left, though once you leave them the distress rarely lasts more than a few minutes. The excitement of their new surroundings and the other children quickly attracts their attention. You can feel assured that if your child shows any undue distress we will always ring you. We will advise you on alternative settling in approaches. We are always happy for parents to ring us at any time of the day if you are concerned.


Children are encouraged to join in all activities however messy! In having fun children will undoubtedly get dirty. We ask all parents to provide a spare change of clothes for children. All children should change into a pair of named plimsolls when they arrive. Your child should wear clothes that are easily removed for them to go to the toilet and are comfortable and which you do not mind getting spoilt in the event of an accident. Jogging bottoms and leggings are ideal. Children have free flow play from inside to outside and will be outside whatever the weather, as well as having access to our muddy kitchen. We therefore ask that children bring a pair of named wellingtons and a warm jumper and coat. Please name all items of clothing.

We have Oaks Nursery jumpers in pink and blue, which can be purchased at a price of £11.00 and T-Shirts at a price of £7.00.

Snack Times & Lunchtime

Children are offered a snack during morning and afternoon sessions. To develop independence this is run as a snack bar where children are encouraged to help themselves. The snack menu varies from week to week and will be available for viewing on our Facebook Page and in the entrance hall. We ask for a voluntary snack contribution of £40 per term.

Morning and full day children should bring in a packed lunch in a named lunchbox with a cool pack inside and including a non fizzy drink. Owing to the number of children who suffer from allergies peanut butter, nuts and nut products should not be included in lunchboxes. If you are including grapes they MUST be cut in half.

Children regularly eat food that they have prepared in a session linked to a topic, such as noodles at Chinese New Year or pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Occasionally they have a treat for

a special celebration such as when a cake is bought in to share. We are conscious of children's varying dietary requirements and ask that we are informed of any specific requirements.

Drop Off & Collection

We welcome children from 8.30am. Children leaving at lunchtime should be collected no later than 12.30pm, allowing the staff to prepare for the afternoon session which starts at 1.00pm and ends at 3.30pm. To avoid congestion children can be picked up from 3.00pm.

Please inform the staff if your child is to be collected by someone not known at the Nursery.

Accidents & Illness

There is no sick room at the Nursery and in a small environment poorly children may pass on their illness to others. To prevent this happening a child must not be sent into Nursery within 48 hours of a case of sickness or diarrhoea.

All accidents are noted in an Accident Book and all staff are fully First Aid Trained.


In the event that you are concerned or unhappy about any aspect of the Nursery service please advise the Manager. If you can't see the Manager then please inform the Deputy Manager or your child's Key Person who will feedback to the Manager

Local Offer

Our 'Local Offer' is the provision we put in place for children with SEND. Please click on the link below for more information on Special Educational Needs

Our Policies

We are committed to following set policies and procedures which cover all aspects of Nursery Provision. A copy of all the documents can be found in the entrance hall. Or click below to view the main policies.

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